NSC 2023

Arren Wetzel

Navigating the New Landscape: Shifting your AV Mindset

Nick Prenger

The many ways in which meeting and event professionals have embraced or been forced to interact with new or “new-to-me” tech during the pandemic have been especially notable.  From evolving our mindset to learning new skills, always-agile meeting pros are bombarded with input and options while seeking to grow.  How do we navigate this new landscape that is here to …

ASSP Safety 2021

Kevin McDonald

The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) is excited to announce a dynamic format for our 2021 annual conference and expo, along with a new date and location. You can expect an unmatched conference experience that is mindful of the public safety and health challenges we continue to face due to the pandemic. Get the high-quality professional content you expect …